Wednesday, June 25, 2014

4th Quarter Report Card

They don’t really have an A/B Honor Roll since the last report cards come out after school is already out. But if they did have an A/B Honor Roll, I would have made it. Again!

Here’s how I finished out the 6th grade:

Science - A (I made a B on my exam and maintained an A average all year!)
Language Arts - B (Conduct is satisfactory. I made a B on this exam too, and maintained a B average all year.)
Social Studies – C (I don’t know what happened that I dropped to a C. I made an A on my exam and ended the year with a B average.)
Math - B (Conduct is satisfactory. B for my exam and a B average for the year.)
PE - A (Conduct is satisfactory. A all year!)

French - B (A B for the year.)
Beginning Visual Arts - B (Conduct is satisfactory. I pulled an A average for the year!)
Beginning Chorus - A (Conduct is excellent, excellent student. Another A for the year!)

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, especially with good grades like I got. I am going into the 7th grade next year.